In the fourth installment in the Chew series, things get really interestingly weird and a lot of questions are answered. The most interesting features of Chew, I believe, are the richness of its universe, the originality of its concepts, the incredibly surprising narratives and innovative plot twists and the great characters and sense of humor. Plus, Poyo the rooster is BADASS. If you never heard of this series just do yourself a favor and start reading it ASAP. This volume is the weirdest of all so far, with the writing in the sky and all that leads to, as well as the involvement of Pollo. It's fun how the writing in the sky affects agency politics and finances, especially since their boss now hates both Chu AND his partner, and seems to be doing his best to get them killed. I also like how the writing in the sky pulls Toni into the story more. Savoy, meanwhile, ups the ante this time, especially towards the end of the story. I'll be interested to see how the incident at the end develops in further volumes.
What do You think about Chew, Vol. 4: Flambé (2011)?
Fun, but it feels like we're just treading water, lining up the various pieces.
Oooh, cannot wait to see where it goes from here!!
More good clean fun. Okay, maybe not clean.