Conquest Of Earth (Stellar Conquest Series) - Plot & Excerpts
The dream-maker’s pulsing wave diminished to nothing, and for just a moment null space tugged at Yort’s psyche before the mothership slammed into the gravity limit of the target star, emerging from the inside. If Yort were describing the procedure in layman’s terms, he would tell a young Archon that the ship within null space tunneled between the stars beneath space, as if it was a worm digging through the dirt. In this way a mothership bypassed the distance between. Therefore, when it surfaced, it did not arrive traveling inward toward the star from any combination of three dimensions, but rather outward, from the direction of another dimension entirely, as if surfacing into normal space, at speed, away. This process must, however, be accomplished within a gravity well of sufficient power, which meant something with the mass of a star. At the same time, an arriving ship must not exit null space so close to the massive body that it was ripped apart by tidal forces, or blasted by a pulsar’s spinning beam, or irradiated by a black hole’s ravening polar jet…or simply burned up by a star’s corona.
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