Although he was the Prince of the Vampire Healers, he still had some of the same characteristics of an average vampire healer, and he hated to feed. Unfortunately - due to his royal blood, power and strength - Daric actually needed blood more often than the average healer, and his feelings of revulsion at performing the necessary function were much more powerful than that of other vampire healers. Recoiling instinctively from the act of taking blood from a human without consent, Daric put off the inevitable as long as possible, delaying until he could barely function. Plowing his way to the kitchen, Daric rifled through the contents of his refrigerator, hoping to calm his urgency for blood with ordinary human food. It wouldn’t entirely work, but it would at least keep him occupied with something pleasurable. After he had left Liam’s party, the gnawing emptiness had consumed him, leaving him with nothing to occupy himself, nothing to think about except the pain caused by lack of feeding and the void of loneliness that had haunted him for the last millennium.