Around him in the stygian night, unseen creatures slithered in the muddy stream and through the arid grassland. A man could step on at least ten varieties of poisonous snakes. No stars, no moon relieved the opaque blackness. Acacia smoke and the cloying stench of something rotting hung on the heavy air. The night pulsed with danger. The beat built to a strident throb like kettledrums. The op was going down. A figure hunched toward him, low, blending with the grass. Badger. A monster made of bunches of grass and leaves over a camouflage uniform. The man stopped short of Nick’s position. Why didn’t he just use the radio? “Yo, soldier. Sit rep,” Nick said. The throbbing accelerated, amplified. He strained to hear the soldier’s report over the pounding. The man stood there without speaking, without moving. A grenade or maybe a flash-bang exploded off to his right.
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