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Read Dark Vador Et Sa Petite Princesse (2013)

Dark Vador et sa petite princesse (2013)

Online Book

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2364801052 (ISBN13: 9782364801059)

Dark Vador Et Sa Petite Princesse (2013) - Plot & Excerpts

VADER’S little princess by Jeffrey BrownBook ReviewJeffrey Brown has written and illustrated a hilarious follow-up to ‘DARTH VADER and Son’. This one is titled, ‘VADER’S little princess’. “Darth Vader, Dark Lord of the Sith, must raise his young daughter, Leia, as she grows from a sweet little girl – into a rebellious teenager…”, so starts the book. Again, each page is filled with humor as Darth Vader attempts to raise his little princess.Leia is a loving daughter; cutting hearts into her father’s cape, hugging and telling him that she loves him at the most inappropriate moments for the Dark Lord of the Sith. There is a lovely moment when Leia says, “Dad, don’t move, look!” as she points to his helmet where a beautiful butterfly has settled.As Leia grows into her teenage years, Darth Vader is often depicted as looking back to when his daughter was a little princess and reminiscing of that time. Leia gives her dad some thoughts to ponder when she tells him, “Dad, I have to write an essay for class…so, what exactly is it that you do?” There are some tense moments when Leia brings her boyfriend, Han Solo, to meet her dad and when she argues with her father about her clothing.My favorite page is when Leia is trying to have a heart to heart talk with her dad and his response leaves his little princess in tears.This book is a must read for Star War fans, young and old. I can’t wait to read more books from Jeffrey Brown. ;)I am disgusted by this book. How dare Jeffrey Brown play fast and loose with Star Wars continuity?! Darth Vader was not a "single Dad" just trying to be the best Dad he could be. He was the most vile, most villainous henchman of the Empire. He was responsible for multiple murders, took part in genocides, he was damn near irredeemable, and here Brown is trying to make us think he was somehow kind and playful, just a good Dad in a tough situation.I'll tell you what this is: it is an insult to all the victims of Alderaan; it is an insult to all those enslaved to the evil, galactic Empire; it is an insult to the heroes of the Rebellion; it is an insult to that great hero of the New Republic herself, Princess Leia. Shame on you, Jeffrey Brown. Shame on you for giving a false, human face to this terrible Sith Lord.p.s. I'm cheating on media blackout day. Don't tell anyone.

What do You think about Dark Vador Et Sa Petite Princesse (2013)?

Great geek fun. You don't have to be a hardcore Star Wars fan to enjoy this. Yeah, a lot of the jokes are riffs on the same theme of "Princess Leia as a typical girl/teenager and Darth Vader as a typical dad" but they're still funny, and the art plays beautifully into the fun. Lots of ewoks, Luke and Leia as siblings, and tons of daddy/daughter stuff. The cover is a good example of the quality of fun involved, so if you like it, you'll enjoy the book.

Great geek fun. You don't have to be a hardcore Star Wars fan to enjoy this. Yeah, a lot of the jokes are riffs on the same theme of "Princess Leia as a typical girl/teenager and Darth Vader as a typical dad" but they're still funny, and the art plays beautifully into the fun. Lots of ewoks, Luke and Leia as siblings, and tons of daddy/daughter stuff. The cover is a good example of the quality of fun involved, so if you like it, you'll enjoy the book.

Very funny! Now I want to read Vader & Son!

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