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Read Dave Cameron And The Extraterrestrial

Dave Cameron and the Extraterrestrial

Online Book

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Dave Cameron And The Extraterrestrial - Plot & Excerpts

It was so powerful it made him freeze and prepare to collapse and die from another shot, and when it never came he shifted away to an area out of the firing line, and he started wondering how deadly the police were there!
When nothing happened he rushed up a wall in seconds and darted through a garden and went away along another lane.
Whoever was after him was crazy and out for the kill and he realized how stupid and deadly it had become, and how stupid he had been putting himself in such a dilemma, and he rushed away with fury!
He could not realize who was there and just accepted that they were trying to kill him, and as he rushed away he suddenly realized he recognized a lane he was on and he recalled things on it before he came to them, and tried to think of anywhere there he could hide away!
For some reason he realized that there was something there that he should know about that was important and he had been there before for and he attempted to grasp it but could not and he could understand why, and searched for the name of the lane and got the name of a road it was joined to, and he ran away as fast as he could, ready to hide if anyone appeared.

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