Day Of The Djinn Warriors (2008) - Plot & Excerpts
He’d hoped to prompt the old Venetian explorer’s disappearance by taking a cloth and rubbing out the Chinese magic square that had brought him into being, but Marco Polo showed no sign of taking this strong hint, and it was clear that Sister Cristina must return from her journey downstairs at any moment. Finlay was already standing anxiously in the doorway keeping a watchful eye on the long stairway that led up to the reliquary in St. Mark’s. As an English gentleman, Nimrod always recoiled from rudeness and bad manners, only he could see no way around it. He was going to have to come right out with it and baldly suggest that Marco Polo should leave — more or less. “Um,” he said rubbing his hands and, at the same time, meaningfully kicking the empty brass chest that had housed Marco Polo’s bones. “Well, I’m sure we’d all like to thank the great Marco Polo for coming to speak with us today. Wouldn’t we, children?” Philippa fixed a rigid grin to her face. “Er, yes,”
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