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Read Dead Girl Walking

Dead Girl Walking

Online Book

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Hachette UK

Dead Girl Walking - Plot & Excerpts

Actually it was my right breast, but there was something symbolic about it that felt more like a rite of passage than when we were both finally in the altogether.
It was at his parents’ house on a Thursday morning before Christmas when we were both in sixth year. I had stayed overnight, which was often the case on weekends, but as the last day of term had been the Wednesday, it felt like a Saturday morning. The only difference was, there was nobody else around. Keith’s parents were at work and his sister Ailish was staying over at a friend’s place, which meant I got her bed.
He brought me a cup of tea and a slice of toast just after nine. I had blissfully slept in while people were showering, eating and getting ready for work. Keith sat on the edge of the bed and chatted as I ate. We talked about our plans for the holidays, by which we mainly meant lazing around watching DVDs and stuffing our faces.
I remember that the weather was horrible, rain pelting against the windows like it was determined to get in.

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