Two weeks and not a single word. She hadn’t seen Bella in fourteen days. Three hundred thirty-six hours. Twenty thousand, one hundred and sixty minutes! She was going crazy with worry. After the first couple of days, Holly figured Bella needed some time to cool off before calling, but after several unreturned phone calls, her concern grew, especially since Sydney hadn’t heard from her either. Now another week had passed with no word and no one had heard from her. The school Bella taught at had told her that she’d requested some leave, but they’d been very vague about the whole thing. Holly then decided to pay a visit to the clinic Bella was supposed to have her appointment at. They said they hadn’t seen her, had no record of her even setting up a consultation with them at all. Something strange was going on, and she had a sick feeling in the pit of her stomach that her friend was in some kind of trouble. Holly didn’t trust those Cyrellian doctors as far as she could throw them.