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Read Exile (Bloodforge Book 1)

Exile (Bloodforge Book 1)

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Exile (Bloodforge Book 1) - Plot & Excerpts

This was living! This was the most alive he had felt in weeks. Cold spray stung him on the cheek and sent a jolt of energy down into his bones. A great cheer sounded and Callistan looked to the back of the ship where the big hammerman stood like a misplaced figurehead, swaying with the roll of every wave. There, no more than a few bowshots’ distance away, the closest enemy ship stalked ever closer like some deep sea predator.
“She flounders!” a dark-skinned sailor cried and Callistan turned to follow an outstretched arm that pointed past the first ship to the second, still some distance behind and shrouded in the thin mist that was beginning to form. Its main yardarm had snapped in two, casting the black sail into the water and threatening to drag the whole ship under the waves. Nature, the great equaliser, Callistan thought. On land the tall men were stronger, faster, better equipped. Out here in the Scoldsee they were all at the mercy of the Blue God of the Temple Main. “Smile, man,”

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