Cassidy MacLaughlin, Grade Four Science Project Are you sure that’s all there is?” Disappointed, I viewed the thin scattering of pictures on Pete’s kitchen table. There were eighteen images, and almost all of them were of Pete and Jason. It was enough to do the Mother’s Day craft for Pete’s mom but not enough to stop the tsunami of fear bubbling inside my head. “That’s all Jason could find.” Pete leaned across the white table, grabbed a clown photograph and waved it in my face. “I remember this. My hair was really itchy under all that clown hair.” He giggled. I checked the time on the clock. Jason would be home soon. Between pizza and go-carting and needing to be at my house for dinner, the day had whizzed by. So had the last week. Jason had been out of commission for days. I’d gone flat out to catch up at school. I still hadn’t talked to Frank. Mom still hadn’t called the clinic. Things were not easy between us. “Doesn’t your mom have other pictures?” I probed.