Will says, looking nervous as he walks me back to my room. When we get there, he quickly goes in ahead of me and searches it before returning to where I wait. Just like Bullfrog did when I arrived. Is it really that dangerous? “Do you mind if I join you?” I step aside. “You kind of already have.” Neither of us laughs at my attempted joke. “I was able to locate the video footage of your cousin’s Release.” Cold fingers scratch their icy nails down my back, and I shiver. “Socrates okayed it?” He looks away. “Will? I don’t want to get you in trouble.” “It’s fine. This is important, trust me. I know of a way that… well, they can’t trace what you’re watching.” “Okay, I guess.” I bite my lip. “When do you want me to watch it?” He swallows, and his hands fiddle with a thin bracelet. The kind the Firsts, like Socrates, wear.