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Read Series: A Charlie Parker Mystery

by Author Connie Shelton


Competition Can Be Murder (2015)

From the back - When former vanity license plate inspector Claire Montrose finds a valuable diamond ring embedded in an old stone wall, she's uncovered more than lost jewelry -- she's just unwittingly exposed a fifty-year-old murder. Claire's octogenarian housemate, Charlie, recognizes the ring w...

Competition Can Be Murder (2015) by Connie Shelton

Vacations Can Be Murder (1997)

Charlie's Hawaiian vacation doesn't turn out like she planned. Her first day there, she takes a helicopter ride. She and the pilot Drake Langston see a dead body on the rocks below. When Drake's friend, Mack, is arrested for the murder, Charlie agrees to help find the real killer.

Vacations Can Be Murder (1997) by Connie Shelton

Partnerships Can Kill (1998)

Charlie returns from her vacation to find her brother involved with a deceitful younger woman. Is it just mid-life crisis, or something more sinister? When a friend's business partner is murdered, Charlie's investigation uncovers tax fraud, high level political connections, and duplicity. The two...

Partnerships Can Kill (1998) by Connie Shelton