In this thrilling conclusion to the epic series begun in Bloodwinter and continued in Springwar and Summerblood, Tom Deitz brings us the final chapter in the unforgettable saga of a fugitive king, a lost magic, and a revolution that will either liberate a world--or condemn it to eternal tyranny....
In this stirring sequel to the epic dramas Bloodwinter and Springwar, a new king must strive to heal a war-torn land, master a dangerous and world-altering magic, and defeat a secret and fanatical religious sect that will stop at nothing to gain total power.Peace has come to the realm of Eron, an...
From the author of Bloodwinter comes the continuation of that epic tale, as two rival kingdoms clash while heroes, heroines, and rogues on both sides-and no side-vie for control of a world-altering magic more powerful than anyone's wildest imaginings.SpringwarAs the realm of Eron sits frozen in t...