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Read Series: Abram's Daughters

by Author Beverly Lewis


The Betrayal (2013)

Beautifully Repackaged: The Betrayal and The SacrificeIn The Betrayal, Leah Ebersol and her beloved Jonas Mast are separated by hundreds of miles when he accepts an apprenticeship in Ohio. They are confident their love is strong enough to survive, but more than time and distance are conspiring to...

The Betrayal (2013) by Beverly  Lewis

The Prodigal (2004)

The Prodigal is book four of Lewis' Abram's Daughters series. If you haven't read any of the others in the series, I highly suggest that you stop reading this review and go start at the beginning. This series has a continuing timeline and is not meant to be read out of order. All the Ebersol ch...

The Prodigal (2004) by Beverly  Lewis

The Revelation (2005)

Beverly Lewis Bestseller, Beautifully Repackaged In "The Revelation," Jonas Mast has given Leah Ebersol reason to hope again. Yet events threaten that might force Leah and her sister Sadie to reveal their closely guarded secret--a secret with the power to split the Mast and Ebersol families even ...

The Revelation (2005) by Beverly  Lewis