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Read Series: Alex Benedict

by Author Jack McDevitt


A Talent for War (2004)

Christopher Sim changed mankind's history forever when he forged a rag-tag group of misfits into the weapon that broke the alien Ashiyyur. But now, one man believes Sim was a fraud, and Alex must follow the legend into the heart of the alien galaxy to confront a truth far stranger than any fiction.

A Talent for War (2004) by Jack McDevitt

Polaris (2005)

This was a very enjoyable, even exciting, sci fi mystery featuring Alex Benedict and Chase Kolpath. Alex is a dealer of valuable antiques and Chase is his pilot who helps out around his business. The book takes place some 12 years from when the events in the previous book took place.Sixty years a...

Polaris (2005) by Jack McDevitt

The Devil's Eye (2008)

"The Devil's Eye" by Jack McDevitt... another Alex Benedict novel that is really a Chase Kolpath novel... Alex's beautiful assistant. Good story. I'd read it again.Story: After a vacation on Earth, touring with telepathic aliens, Alex receives a desperate message from a famous horror novelist Vic...

The Devil's Eye (2008) by Jack McDevitt