In "Alosha" and "The Shaktra," thirteen-year-old Ali Warner discovered that she was not an ordinary teenager, but was actually Queen of the Fairies. Through seven painful trials, Ali reclaimed many of her magical powers and defeated an elemental army that was preparing to attack the Earth. In the...
This wasn't as good as I hoped it would be.Characters: C+I'm not too sure why he's a bestselling author. Nothing personal, I just can't see it. The characters were dry for the most part with no character development, and it was hard to get a good grasp on them. Unless you call Ali's mood switchin...
I'm posting this unchanged for all three books of the series, because I believe potential readers should be aware that the series is incomplete:"Ali's story will continue in the next book in the series, Nemi" (last line of The Yanti.)According to a Pike fan site (