Alex Rutledge, freelance and part-time Key West crime scene photographer, awakes to his first day off in months. Late August, the off-season, the dog days. Everything's okay until his phone rings. His old navy buddy, Zack Cahill, now a successful Chicago banker, is in town and, at 8:00 a.m., drun...
Lately, Key West is not quite the laid back place that occasional freelance crime-scene-photographer Alex Rutledge prefers. It's bad enough that the discovery of two dead ex-Navy men one morning?both found swinging on boat lifts twenty miles apart?means grisly work at the indecent hour of 7AM. It...
Read the E-version with a red pen in hand.Frankly, I enjoyed the story. It would be easy to dis-believe many of the actions of full-time Key West inhabitants, but their actions ring true to real life. Corcoran suffers the same problem that Carl Hiassen suffers; the raw material for characters is ...
This is the first of Tom Corcoran's novels about Key West photographer Alex Rutledge that I've ever read, and I came away both impressed and a little frustrated. I was impressed, most of all, with his sense of place. Corcoran finds so many ways, both big and small, to make the reader really feel ...