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Read Series: An Alex Rutledge Mystery

by Author Tom Corcoran


Gumbo Limbo: An Alex Rutledge Mystery (2000)

Alex Rutledge, freelance and part-time Key West crime scene photographer, awakes to his first day off in months. Late August, the off-season, the dog days. Everything's okay until his phone rings. His old navy buddy, Zack Cahill, now a successful Chicago banker, is in town and, at 8:00 a.m., drun...

Gumbo Limbo: An Alex Rutledge Mystery (2000) by Tom Corcoran

Air Dance Iguana (2006)

Lately, Key West is not quite the laid back place that occasional freelance crime-scene-photographer Alex Rutledge prefers. It's bad enough that the discovery of two dead ex-Navy men one morning?both found swinging on boat lifts twenty miles apart?means grisly work at the indecent hour of 7AM. It...

Air Dance Iguana (2006) by Tom Corcoran

Bone Island Mambo (Alex Rutledge Series #3) (2001)

Read the E-version with a red pen in hand.Frankly, I enjoyed the story. It would be easy to dis-believe many of the actions of full-time Key West inhabitants, but their actions ring true to real life. Corcoran suffers the same problem that Carl Hiassen suffers; the raw material for characters is ...

Bone Island Mambo (Alex Rutledge Series #3) (2001) by Tom Corcoran

Octopus Alibi: An Alex Rutledge Mystery (2004)

This is the first of Tom Corcoran's novels about Key West photographer Alex Rutledge that I've ever read, and I came away both impressed and a little frustrated. I was impressed, most of all, with his sense of place. Corcoran finds so many ways, both big and small, to make the reader really feel ...

Octopus Alibi: An Alex Rutledge Mystery (2004) by Tom Corcoran