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Read Series: Animal Man Vol. II

by Author Jeff Lemire


Animal Man, Vol. 3: Rotworld: The Red Kingdom (2013)

I think the best compliment that I can pay Jeff Lemire for his work on this title is the following.The best, and maybe as good, a run on this title since Grant Morrison wrote the character. I haven't cared about Buddy Baker and his family since the Morrison days regardless of who was writing the...

Animal Man, Vol. 3: Rotworld: The Red Kingdom (2013) by Jeff Lemire

Animal Man, tomo 2 (2013)

Oh my dayum, this is a great comic book! Buddy Baker's nightmare continues as further details of the Rot's war against life come to light and the real nature of both his own superhero career and his daughter's future as Avatar of the Red are fleshed out. Same great art, same great story. One of t...

Animal Man, tomo 2 (2013) by Jeff Lemire

Animal Man, Tome 2 : Contre-Nature (2013)

In doing some catchup on DC Comics events (somehow they seem less mundane than Marvel's) I find myself enjoying a D list character such as Animal Man for the first time since Grant Morrison's arguably classic run. Wile not as meta fiction as Morrison's Lemire honors much of the work done by thos...

Animal Man, Tome 2 : Contre-Nature (2013) by Jeff Lemire

Animal Man, Vol. 1: The Hunt (2012)

My first Animal Man comic was in August 1994 with issue #74, which may have also been my first Vertigo comic. The first of MANY. And I was hooked on Animal Man from that moment on. Unfortunately, the book was cancelled 15 issues later. But in September 2011, when I saw the first batch of DC’s...

Animal Man, Vol. 1: The Hunt (2012) by Jeff Lemire

Animal Man tome 1: La Chasse (2012)

Not so happy with this relaunch of the title, both the art and the writing held little surprise or excitement for me. The writing felt one dimensional where it should have been three dimensional, the plot felt slow and unsurprising, and the art didn't really catch me at all. Bill Sienkiewicz had ...

Animal Man tome 1: La Chasse (2012) by Jeff Lemire

Animal man n. 1: La Caccia (2012)

In 2011, DC Comics cancelled all of their existing titles and re-launched their entire series branding them The New 52. Animal Man was the surprising breakout hit of the new series. I frankly didn't know about Animal Man until I read this version of his story and I am kicking myself. Animal Ma...

Animal man n. 1: La Caccia (2012) by Jeff Lemire

Animal Man 1 (2012)

Another great page turner!I've recently finished volume 1 of the new 52 Swamp Thing reboot, which is building to a crossover with Animal Man. And this goes along with it perfectly. Both of these titles are creepy as hell and I loved every moment of them. These titles brought a story arc unlike an...

Animal Man 1 (2012) by Jeff Lemire

Animal Man: La Cacería (2012)

Jeff Lemire's 2011 re-imagining of Animal Man is okay, but feels more like an event tie-in than something that stands on its own.Don't expect Grant Morrison's combination of humor and surrealism here (though the preachiness is fortunately absent too). Animal Man is now an action-packed horror co...

Animal Man: La Cacería (2012) by Jeff Lemire