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Read Series: Bold As Love

by Author Gwyneth Jones


Midnight Lamp (2015)

Spoilers for the first two books, because it can't be otherwise.I actually don't think I can write an adequate review of this book without massive spoilers in general - and really, how do you review the third in a series of five, and do justice to it and the characters and everything else? This s...

Midnight Lamp (2015) by Gwyneth Jones

Band of Gypsys (2015)

The riveting new instalment in Gwyneth Jones's award-winning 'Bold As Love' saga. Ax Preston, former dictator, returns to England; he's agreed to take up the job of Green President. At close quarters he finds some outrageous details in the contract, so the Triumvirate decamps for Paris, to sit ou...

Band of Gypsys (2015) by Gwyneth Jones

Rainbow Bridge (2009)

And now I must bid farewell to Ax, Sage and Fiorinda having reached the end of the Bold as Love series.It's been a weird ride. The narrative structure is disjointed and strange in a way I'm not sure I've seen before (or would necessarily want to see again), we've roved seemingly haphazardly from ...

Rainbow Bridge (2009) by Gwyneth Jones

Castles Made of Sand (2002)

Ax Preston, Sage Pender and Fiorinda have beaten the cascade of disasters that followed the collapse of the former UK. Now they've to find some resolution to the impossible dynamics of their own relationship, while the world keeps getting stranger.

Castles Made of Sand (2002) by Gwyneth Jones

Bold as Love (2002)

From Christmas Critics.:If submerging yourself in a fully furnished fictional world that goes on and on is more to your taste, you can do no better than to seek out the hard-to-find Bold as Love series by Gwyneth Jones. Think of it as a quest. For a free taste, check out the series Web site, a mu...

Bold as Love (2002) by Gwyneth Jones

Dulzura (2012)

Sweetness (Bold As Love #1) by Lindsay Paige Emily and her father move to a new town. After being mistreated by her mother, Emily feels unworthy and hopes to be ignored. She is paired with hockey star Jake Benson on a class assignment. Jake is intrigued by Emily and wants to discover more about h...

Dulzura (2012) by Lindsay Paige

Sweetness (2011)

I kind of enjoyed the book, but I saw many faults in it.For example, the way the author puts so many issues with the main characters in the book, it was a little too much & just became unrealistic. In my opinion, books are most enjoyed when you can imagine they're true stories. As other users hav...

Sweetness (2011) by Lindsay Paige