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Read Series: Bridge

by Author William Gibson


Virtual Light (1996)

Scroll down for the English version.Il padre del cyberpunk non mi ha convinto Questo romanzo mi ha lasciato perplessa sin dalle sue prime righe. Ammetto di aver riletto la prima pagina un paio di volte, poiché non mi era chiaro di chi stesse parlando, dove si trovasse e soprattutto cosa stesse fa...

Virtual Light (1996) by William Gibson

All Tomorrow's Parties (2003)

ORIGINALLY POSTED AT Fantasy Literature.When he was a child in an orphanage in Florida, Colin Laney participated in a research study in which he was given a drug that allows him to visualize and extract meaningful information from endless streams of internet data. Laney now has the ability to see...

All Tomorrow's Parties (2003) by William Gibson