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Read Series: Cadwal Chronicles

by Author Jack Vance


Ecce and Old Earth (1992)

First, the Tor paperback edition has the least appropriate cover art imaginable: for this series in particular, Vance has absolutely no interest in the technology that allows his characters to travel the breadth of the Gaean Reach, and there is no description of what happens between the purchase ...

Ecce and Old Earth (1992) by Jack Vance

Araminta Station (1990)

The first in another trilogy by Vance (The Cadwal Chronicles), this one set on the planet Cadwal, orbiting a star in what is known as the Wisp. As is common with Vance, we follow the fortunes of a young man (in this case Glawen Clattuc) growing up in a society with both advantages and injustices....

Araminta Station (1990) by Jack Vance

Throy (1993)

Part of what makes Jack Vance such a master is the casual way he conjures entire planets full of dynamic societies, even for minor stopovers in the story. This may be partially due to the fact that he goes out of his way to present deadly wilderness alongside civilization. There's a fair amount...

Throy (1993) by Jack Vance