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Read Series: California Brides

by Author Cathy Marie Hake


Bridal Veil (2006)

Laurel is content at home. But she's determined to show she can "rough it" alongside her rugged family on a seven-week journey to Yosemite. Her paints and perfumes packed, dainty Laurel Chance is overwhelmed by the raw beauty of nature...and the unexpected attention from their unofficial guide. W...

Bridal Veil (2006) by Cathy Marie Hake

No Buttons Or Beaux (2006)

April Chance needs help. She has no idea how to be courted, but Peter MacPherson aims to teach her. April thinks Peter is just being brotherly, but he has a mind to win her heart and start a family of their own. Will she ever believe she's much more than cooking skills and an ample waistline? By ...

No Buttons Or Beaux (2006) by Cathy Marie Hake