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Read Series: Canongate Myth Series

by Author Karen Armstrong


A Short History of Myth (2006)

A Short History of Myth lives up to its title but despite its brevity is well worth reading. It’s an extended introductory essay to the Canongate Myth series, several volumes of which I’ve read: Margaret Atwood’s The Penelopiad, Jeanette Winterson’s Weight, and A.S. Byatt’s Ragnarok, respectively...

A Short History of Myth (2006) by Karen Armstrong

Girl Meets Boy (2007)

I loved Girl Meets Boy. Smith offers a well-written, memorable version of the myth of Iphis ( from Ovid’s Metamorphoses. I loved reading every page. I wish Girl Meets Boy had been several hundred pages longer. I have read another two novels by Smith, The Acciden...

Girl Meets Boy (2007) by Ali Smith

Weight: The Myth of Atlas and Heracles (2005)

What a disappointing book. Almost masturbatory in some areas, and I don't just mean the extended bits where Heracles strums his own trumpet - you can actually imagine Winterson writing this and thinking to herself 'oh yeah, that's for the academics, that's the stuff'. Winterson clearly fancies he...

Weight: The Myth of Atlas and Heracles (2005) by Jeanette Winterson