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Read Series: Canopus In Argos

by Author Doris Lessing


The Sentimental Agents in the Volyen Empire (1984)

'After I left the hotel, through a lobby all excitement and noise – a trade delegation from the Sirian HQ on their planet Motz were just leaving, looking pleased with themselves – I walked straight into the park opposite. Some freely wandering gazelles came to greet me. They originate, as it happ...

The Sentimental Agents in the Volyen Empire (1984) by Doris Lessing

The Sirian Experiments (1980)

What is amazing about "The Sirian Experiments" [which I ought to point out I read independently from the rest of the series] is the way in which the science fiction works as a sort of political-psychological history of what makes up the human psyche. Through the memoirs of one of the leaders of t...

The Sirian Experiments (1980) by Doris Lessing

The Making of the Representative for Planet 8 (1994)

Un monologo interrotto da pochi dialoghi che descrive la lenta distruzione di un pianeta. Difficile da capire, anche leggendo la post-fazione dell'autrice. Ispirato dalle vicende legate all'esplorazione del polo sud e dalla morte di Scott, dovuta a inefficienze e disorganizzazione nella spedizion...

The Making of the Representative for Planet 8 (1994) by Doris Lessing

Re: Colonised Planet 5, Shikasta (1979)

First read January 2005This book does three ambitious things.1. It takes the Old Testament of the Bible as inspiration for its mythical geo-historical content, but instead of an angry bearded guy in charge, it has a super-advanced utopian-collectivist space-travelling civilization colonising Eart...

Re: Colonised Planet 5, Shikasta (1979) by Doris Lessing