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Read Series: Caralt Ciencia Ficción

by Author Harold Beaver


The Science Fiction of Edgar Allan Poe (1976)

Why I Almost Docked This Rating One Star Just For The Inclusion of “Eureka” And Why I Didn’t Follow Through With That, And Also Why This Book is Mistitled: A Review Of “The Science Fiction of Edgar Allan Poe”First, why I was so sorely tempted to give this volume 2 stars instead of the deserved th...

The Science Fiction of Edgar Allan Poe (1976) by Harold Beaver

A Song for Lya: And Other Stories (2001)

"Una canción para Lya" es el primero de los relatos, y es sin duda el segundo de mi lista de favoritos debido a la clara evolución del argumento, en la cual llegas a comprender todos los puntos de vista presentados, e incluso te planteas cual escogerías."Las brumas se ponen por la mañana" es un p...

A Song for Lya: And Other Stories (2001) by George R.R. Martin