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Read Series: Cavalry Man

by Author Ed Gorman


Powder Keg (2007)

A new "Robin Hood" is riding the range--a hero bank robber who's handing over the spoils to poor farmers and needy townsfolk. But the bandit's using powerful explosives in his endeavors--and military investigator Noah Ford has to put a stop to the altruistic outlaw's destructive ways. But Ford's...

Powder Keg (2007) by Ed Gorman

The Killing Machine (2005)

The first book in the new Noah Ford Western series by Spur Award winner Ed Gorman. A blend of the classic television series The Wild, Wild West and the USA show Peacemakers. Noah Ford made a serious mistake in the eyes of his family when he joined the Union forces--and his Rebel brother David to...

The Killing Machine (2005) by Ed Gorman