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Read Series: Chet Gecko Mystery

by Author Bruce Hale


The Mystery of Mr. Nice: A Chet Gecko Mystery (2008)

Most folks know him as the best lizard detective at Emerson Hicky Elementary, but it's not all knuckles and know-how with Chet Gecko. He's also got his artistic side. If it wasn't for his art, he might never have been sent to Principal Zero's office, where he stumbled onto the mystery of Mr. Nice...

The Mystery of Mr. Nice: A Chet Gecko Mystery (2008) by Bruce Hale

The Chameleon Wore Chartreuse: A Chet Gecko Mystery (2000)

Meet 4th grader Chet Gecko, amateur private eye of his elementary school. When he's not eating bugs, he's solving crime. Told in the style of a old detective movie, Chet whips out many funny one liners and word plays (I heard they are even funnier on the book on tape which you can check out in ou...

The Chameleon Wore Chartreuse: A Chet Gecko Mystery (2000) by Bruce Hale