Catherine Marshall's novel Christy first appeared in 1967 and went on to sell more than 8 million copies. The much-beloved story of a well-to-do young woman who moves to the backwoods to become a teacher has captivated fans in print, in a television series, and in three made-for-television movies...
The Princess Club: When Ruby Mae, Bessie, and Clara discover gold in Dead Man's Creek, they form an exclusive group, "The Princess Club." Christy watches in dismay as Cutter Gap is torn apart by greed and envy. Can she find a way to heal the bitter divisions caused by a handful of gold?Family Sec...
Midnight Rescue: Christy Huddleston, the new school teacher in Cutter Gap, thought her biggest problem was going to be choosing between the charming country doctor, Neil MacNeill, and the handsome minister, David Grantland. But Christy has more serious matters to deal with when her student Ruby M...