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Read Series: Chronicle Of The Unhewn Throne

by Author Brian Staveley


The Providence of Fire (2000)

A very good sequel to a very good book.The author has a solid writing style which is mixed with some fairly good world-building; nothing exceptional but it has to be pointed out that the focus is largely on the various conflicts, with the narrative rarely pausing to make time for us to explore th...

The Providence of Fire (2000) by Brian Staveley

Providence of Fire, The (2000)

The book was fine. It felt like an entirely different story from book 1. The characters were the same, but I didn't like how the entire story seemed to be based around magic. I don't mind a little Hague now and then but every little twist and turn in the book seemed to have some magic element to ...

Providence of Fire, The (2000) by Brian Staveley

The Emperor's Blades (2014)

Well. It was great. Not excellent. I just don't have much to say about it! Which is rather strange for me! I would dispute it being the years stand out debut, there were so many other fantasy debut this year that actually had me brimming with words to spout about them, but I am not sure what to s...

The Emperor's Blades (2014) by Brian Staveley