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Read Series: Crash

by Author Nicole Williams


El lado peligroso de Jude (2013)

Con todas las idas y vueltas que me dio este libro lo termine disfrutando mucho ame la escena de la pelea creo que fue una de mis favoritas incluso con la del final, esa relación que tiene Jude y Lucy es tan real y me frustraba lucy a veces por ser tan ciega al negar que no deberia estar con él c...

El lado peligroso de Jude (2013) by Nicole  Williams

Clash (2000)

This book was a bit frustrating. Because Luce dissapointed me a bit. Jude is cute as ever of course. But I just wanted to say, that it annoyed me a bit that she was running hot and cold constantly. The book starts with both of them being at college. They are in love, and when Luce finds out that ...

Clash (2000) by Nicole  Williams