After attending a luncheon with the Reverend Tait, Dandy finds herself traveling with the benevolent clergyman back to his home to attend a meeting of the Rural Women’s Institute. A stranger has been roaming the parish at night and pouncing on the ladies of the Rural, though this stranger only se...
Two murders need two motives, I wrote, then I put my elbows on the desk and lowered my head, but stopped in time. It was not even ten o'clock in the morning, and I could not possibly put my head in my hands already. Sherlock, I am sure, never put his head in his hands before luncheon. That should...
*Special Content only on my blog, Strange and Random Happenstance during Golden Summer (May-September 2013)Dandy and her dear friend Daisy are off to Queensferry to reconnect with an old classmate and to go to the Ferry Fair. Freddy, nicknamed Buttercup, has finally returned from her sojourn in A...