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Read Series: Darkwar

by Author Glen Cook


Doomstalker (1985)

Darkwar is the second series I've read by Cook, and is a beast of a completely different color than The Black Company. At the outset it seems standard, if strange, fantasy, but soon enough you will begin some very serious Sci-fi elements. We're talking space battles here. I went in with absolu...

Doomstalker (1985) by Glen Cook

Warlock (1985)

THE POWER IN HER MIND brought young Morika at last to the great Maksche Cloister, where her already precocious silth witch-like powers could be honed to an awesome mental weapon.To the tradermales fell the skills ot science and technology, while the female silth dominated the world with their mas...

Warlock (1985) by Glen Cook