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Read Series: Deadly Décor Mystery

by Author Ginny Aiken


Interior Motives (2006)

Interior designer Haley Farrell and contractor Dutch Merrill argue over just about everything. Could it be a budding romance, or is it business as usual for these creative cohorts? Marlene Weikert, their newest client in a renovation project, has just died, and Haley suspects it was not by natura...

Interior Motives (2006) by Ginny Aiken

Design on a Crime (2005)

The reader is introduced to an Agatha Christie-like cozy mystery meets Inspector Clouseau-style heroine in this charming murder mystery, Design on a Crime: Deadly Decor Mystery.Maybe not a profound whodunit story, but this book packs a wallop with the list of suspects, the main one being designer...

Design on a Crime (2005) by Ginny Aiken