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Read Series: Dragonlance: The New Generation

by Author Margaret Weis


Los Caballeros de Takhisis (1998)

La Guerra de la lanza ya es historia. Las estaciones vienen y se van. Es verano: un verano abrasador como jamás se había visto en Krynn. Afligido por una dolorosa pérdida, el joven mago Palin Majere trata de entrar al Abismo en busca de su tío, el famoso archimago Raistlin. La Reina Oscura ha enc...

Los Caballeros de Takhisis (1998) by Margaret Weis

Dragons of Summer Flame (1995)

Entertaining story overall, and one I missed somehow. I grew up reading the Dragonlance books but never got to this one until this past week (even though I bought the paperback like five years ago), which made the leap to the War of Souls trilogy a little confusing for me. Now the timeline makes ...

Dragons of Summer Flame (1995) by Margaret Weis