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Read Series: Durdane

by Author Jack Vance


The Brave Free Men (1987)

This is not my favorite Vance book (that honor goes to Eyes of the Overworld), not by a long shot but it shares so many characteristics that make Vance's books such a joy to read. Every Jack Vance book I've read demonstrate such fantastic knowledge about so many aspects of the world and this book...

The Brave Free Men (1987) by Jack Vance

The Asutra (1977)

This third book of the Durdane trilogy provides a satisfying and somewhat surprising conclusion to the story, which I will not give away because it’s worth reading.Gatzel Etzwane again provides the single point of view. He would like to return to his relatively free and simple life as a musician,...

The Asutra (1977) by Jack Vance