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Read Series: Dust Chronicles

by Author Maureen McGowan


Los Ejecutores (2014)

Glory is now a double-agent. After being sent back to Haven to help deviants escape, she was recruited to become one of the Comps with a special mission to find the person who's working against the corporation. All was going well...for a while, but things started getting confusing. Who to trus...

Los Ejecutores (2014) by Maureen McGowan

Deviants (2014)

Dune for kids?Interesting take on a YA Dystopian future - spoiled a bit by the lead character being annoying as hell - she's a heroine supposedly but needs carrying around A LOT and is constantly whinging about her life. Add to that the authors dismissal of why the Spice (sorry dust!) is breathab...

Deviants (2014) by Maureen McGowan

Los Indeseables (2013)

Maureen inventa un mundo fantástico, no deja un cabo suelto y describe todo lo que tiene que describir para hacer este mundo creíble. Me encantó. Peeero por otro lado esta Glory y personalmente, debe haber sido el personaje femenino mas insoportable que alguna vez leí. A lo largo del libro esta e...

Los Indeseables (2013) by Maureen McGowan