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Read Series: Dying To Live

by Author Kim Paffenroth


Dying to Live: Last Rites (2012)

En esta entrega Paffenroth cierra su trilogía "Dying to Live" y en general me ha dejado un buen sabor de boca, no obstante lo recomendable es leer los tres libros, para entender los ejes que forman la proto-filosofía que el autor expone.En este volumen, los personajes William (Popcorn), Rachel, T...

Dying to Live: Last Rites (2012) by Kim Paffenroth

Dying to Live (2007)

Jonah Caine, a lone survivor in a zombie-infested world, struggles to understand the apocalypse in which he lives. Unable to find a moral or sane reason for the horror that surrounds him, he is overwhelmed by violence and insignificance.After wandering for months, Jonah's lonely existence dramati...

Dying to Live (2007) by Kim Paffenroth