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Read Series: Fever Crumb

by Author Philip Reeve


Scrivener's Moon - Audio (2012)

OKAY things that were great about this:-many differently-abled people loving and supporting each other and having a lot of personal agency-Fever as a queer lady! Yes! Yes! I'm about that so much. Fever did not belong in a relationship with a man. Patriarchy and the power differentials of hetero...

Scrivener's Moon - Audio (2012) by Philip Reeve

Fever Crumb (2009)

Perhaps this series would be more enjoyable if you've read The Hungry City Chronicles - the series that takes place before this one - but I just couldn't get involved with Fever and this contradictory society.Fever Crumb is an engineer. In fact, the only female engineer in the entire city of Lond...

Fever Crumb (2009) by Philip Reeve