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Read Series: Fighting Connollys

by Author Roxie Rivera


In Finn's Heart (2014)

Il romance è classico: lui eroe, lei vergine. E per capirci qualcosa nella parte suspence devi avere per forza letto In Jack's arms o Nikolay 2, altrimenti ti perdi.Ma il romance è dolce e carino, e i protagonisti sono belli: Finn è eroe di guerra (veterano, senza una gamba e alcolista) e Hadley ...

In Finn's Heart (2014) by Roxie Rivera

In Jack's Arms (2014)

LOVE JACK Connolly! This eldest brother of the three is the large, in charge, alpha male... protector. Roxie Rivera has written one powerful, passionate, caring and loving character who falls for a woman he's known all his life, ( which this reader finds most endearing), she's from the same neigh...

In Jack's Arms (2014) by Roxie Rivera

In Kelly's Corner (2013)

I really enjoyed this book! I fell in love with Kelly and Bee from the very beginning and was glad it didn't take too long for them to get together. Finn and Jack were great as well! I will admit that I was surprised how quickly Kelly, Winn, and Sully were to believe that Bee was stalking herself...

In Kelly's Corner (2013) by Roxie Rivera