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Read Series: Firekeeper Saga

by Author Jane Lindskold


Wolf's Head, Wolf's Heart (2003)

Having begun reading to my son about Firekeeper we kept on going. Believe it or not, but quite a bit of snuggle time goes into around 600 pages worth of story. 600 pages is a lot of words. Sometimes I think the two of us get so caught up in how words and sentences connect that we forget to pay as...

Wolf's Head, Wolf's Heart (2003) by Jane Lindskold

Through Wolf's Eyes (2002)

Firekeeper was five years old when her remote village burned down, with her as the only survivor. She was taken in by wolves who are larger than the usual wolf, more intelligent—as is only natural since they are royalty. It’s ten years later when an expedition from beyond the mountain pass come l...

Through Wolf's Eyes (2002) by Jane Lindskold

The Dragon of Despair (2004)

Raised by smart, language-using wolves, far from humans, then brought back to the court of Hawk Haven, young Firekeeper had to learn to cope with human society. Fortunately, for one raised amidst intelligent pack animals, the intrigues of humans are neither complex nor wholly unfamiliar.Now Melin...

The Dragon of Despair (2004) by Jane Lindskold

Wolf's Blood (2007)

Raised in the wild by intelligent, language-using wolves, in her teens Firekeeper was abducted back into the lands of men, where her upbringing as a wolf helped her survive the deadly intrigues of human beings. One of the first things she learned in Hawk Haven was that magic was a thing to be fea...

Wolf's Blood (2007) by Jane Lindskold

Wolf Captured (2005)

My 18-year-old son and I are still enjoying reading about Firekeeper together. There is something magic in being able to share in the joy of a well-written novel that cannot be had in reading by myself.Jane Lindskold was at it again with the difficult-to-pronounce words. The worst one was the nam...

Wolf Captured (2005) by Jane Lindskold

Wolf Hunting (2007)

Once again my son and I read about Firekeeper together and once again we were richer for it. I believe this is the only advantage to having a child with a serious case of dyslexia. In spite of his age we get to sit side by side enjoying a story that takes us a to place out of time and away from o...

Wolf Hunting (2007) by Jane Lindskold