FAME is the first book in the Firstborn series, which follows the Redemption series by Karen Kingsbury.Dayne Matthews, Hollywood heartthrob, whom we briefly met in REUNION, is captivated by Katy Hart. Katy is a director of children’s theater that Dayne stumbled across while he was in Bloomington...
The Firstborn Series is the series that follows those ones. I don't know which ones I liked more as they are are similar but different. While the Redemption Series follows a normal small-town family through their daily life, the Firstborn Series follows a famous movie star and his struggle to liv...
A Dream Come True Katy Hart is thrilled about her future with Hollywood’s Dayne Matthews. But as she plans a wedding and looks for a house on the shores of Lake Monroe, she receives tragic news. Now everything about the future they planned together is hanging on the brink. Only a miracle can help...
A Desperate SearchDriven by his wife’s dying wish to find their firstborn son, John Baxter sets about the search. His prayer? That Elizabeth’s wish would be fulfilled before the upcoming Baxter family reunion. One strange turn follows another, but when the answers finally come, they shake John to...
A Sensational TrialWhen Katy Hart travels to Los Angeles to testify against the knife-wielding fan who tried to kill her, she is hunted by paparazzi who quickly realize she is the mystery woman photographed with movie star Dayne Matthews. Tension and pressure build to a dangerous level as Katy an...