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Read Series: Gerald Samper

by Author James Hamilton-Paterson


Amazing Disgrace (2006)

For those who told me that Amazing Disgrace wasn't as funny as Cooking With Fernet Branca: OMG, wrong. Other than the cover image / design (which, sadly, is ugly and stupid), this book was every bit as awesome as the first one. And I srsly can't wait to read Rancid Pansies!This is vol 2 in the Ge...

Amazing Disgrace (2006) by James Hamilton-Paterson

Cooking with Fernet Branca (2005)

Rating: 3.75* of fiveThe Publisher Says: Gerald Samper, an effete English snob, has his own private hilltop in Tuscany, where he wiles away his time working as a ghostwriter for celebrities and inventing wholly original culinary concoctions-including ice cream made with garlic and the bitter, her...

Cooking with Fernet Branca (2005) by James Hamilton-Paterson