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Read Series: Glamourist Histories

by Author Mary Robinette Kowal


Of Noble Family (2015)

*Special Content only on my blog, Strange and Random Happenstance during Regency Magic (March & April 2015)After their ordeals in Italy, Jane and Vincent are enjoying their time in Vienna. They are catching up with Vincent's old mentor, Herr Scholes, as well as enjoying becoming acquainted with J...

Of Noble Family (2015) by Mary Robinette Kowal

Glamour in Glass (2012)

This book was better than the first, in my opinion. The magic system is better explained, and Kowal really expanded on her world rather than keeping with Austen's. Of course, Austen never went past the happy couple becoming engaged/married. I adored Jane's development over the book. She starte...

Glamour in Glass (2012) by Mary Robinette Kowal

Tünékeny illúziók (2013)

I think this book's biggest problem is that it's being marketing as "just like Jane Austen but with magic." It has an alternative Regency setting and is clearly influenced by her, but it's not Jane Austen. Only Jane Austen is Jane Austen. After the first couple of pages, I set aside any compariso...

Tünékeny illúziók (2013) by Mary Robinette Kowal

Shades of Milk and Honey (2010)

This book was very much in the style of Jane Austen...except for the addition of magic. It was totally Regency England but in this take on it, high-born ladies are expected to be able to "use glamour" to enhance their surroundings, in addition to everything else it takes to be accomplished. (Mr D...

Shades of Milk and Honey (2010) by Mary Robinette Kowal