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Read Series: Greek Myth

by Author Elizabeth Rose


The Pandora Curse (2003)

From the author of Kyros' Secret, The Oracle of Delphi and Thief of Olympus comes a tale of Vara the Conqueror. Ruled by the evil vices her great-grandmother Pandora unleased upon mankind, Vara struggles between the haunting voices offering her ultimate power and the one man who can set her free....

The Pandora Curse (2003) by Elizabeth Rose

Thief of Olympus (2013)

A Princess and the King of Thieves, what an interesting combination. Lysandra is an Amazon who was taught to hate men. Zarek is a thief turned king who is used to getting what he wants. Two head strung and stubborn people meet for a common goal, both want a child strong enough to be a warrior....

Thief of Olympus (2013) by Elizabeth Rose