En Portico, Frederik Pohl retoma y vigoriza la linea especulativa que le puso a la cabeza de la ciencia ficcion mundial. Esta es la primera novela de una tetrologia cuyo hilo conductor es una misteriosa especie de extraterrestres, los Heechee. En ella, un grupo de humanos descubre una base espaci...
If you're a fan of the first book, or even of the first few books, please, do yourself a favour and leave this book on the shelf. You'll learn nothing new in here, and I seriously doubt there's anything new to be gleaned in the final book, which I won't be reading. There is no story to speak of, ...
Review: Heechee #3; Heechee Rendezvous, Fredrick PohltThe first two Heechee novels were entertaining and suspenseful. This novel is peppered with the intensity of any given adventure/suspense novel but woven in like a spider web is the story of Essie and Robinette Broadhead whom the novels hav...
I loved Gateway, the first novel in the Heechee series by Frederik Pohl. Where Pohl came up with the term "Heechee" would be interesting to know, although I dislike this word. It sounds so lightweight to me to represent in language sentient beings and a culture that will have such a huge impact...