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Read Series: Heritage Universe

by Author Charles Sheffield


Convergent Series (1998)

Hans Rebka had been everywhere and done everything. Now he was going to try to solve the galaxy's most persistent mystery - he was going to penetrate Paradox.

Convergent Series (1998) by Charles Sheffield

Transvergence (1999)

The Zardalu had been the greatest menace in the galaxy until they became extinct. But a Zardalu horde has just awakened from suspended animation, ready and able to resume conquering and destroying. . . .

Transvergence (1999) by Charles Sheffield

Resurgence (2004)

Hans Rebka, interstellar trouble-shooter, had solved the mystery of the gigantic Artefacts and defeated the warlike Zardala - but that was only the warm-up for the main event. In one arm of the galaxy, something is destroying whole stellar systems, rebka and his motley crew discover a battle begi...

Resurgence (2004) by Charles Sheffield