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Read Series: Hetty Feather

by Author Jacqueline Wilson


Millie Plume choisit son destin (2014)

I'm reviewing the books in this series on my blog, recommending them especially for young readers who read beyond age peers, loving an adventure story about young girls, with good parts about families and relationships included. Listening to one's dreams is a consistent theme along with never set...

Millie Plume choisit son destin (2014) by Jacqueline Wilson

Emerald Star (2012)

I thought this book was amazing. I didn't expect it to have the ending it had. When I finished the book, I wanted to start reading it all over again. Hetty does find her father and comes across the fact that he has a wife called Katherine and 2 children. Katherine does not like the fact that Hett...

Emerald Star (2012) by Jacqueline Wilson

Les malheurs de Millie Plume (2009)

Dans ce premier tome des Malheurs de Millie Plume, Jacqueline Wilson donne vie à une héroïne flamboyante, drôle et enjouée qui n'est pas sans rappeler une certaine Fifi Brindacier dont j'ai lu, plus jeune, les aventures extraordinaires ! Même crinière rousse, mêmes bêtises, j'ai retrouvé, attendr...

Les malheurs de Millie Plume (2009) by Jacqueline Wilson

Une nouvelle vie pour Millie Plume (2013)

i decided to read Sapphire Battersea because it belonged to a series of novels and i had already read Hetty Feather.the catergory Sapphire Battersea is under "a book that teaches you about another time and history. I put this under this category because the book was set in the early 1900's and it...

Une nouvelle vie pour Millie Plume (2013) by Jacqueline Wilson

Hetty Feather (2009)

This was a really good children's book. I really enjoyed it, and I think that even though it had many historical facts and references it would still be a good book for 10-12 year old girls, because it is gripping and relatable. I loved this book, and I loved reading about the adventures of Hetty ...

Hetty Feather (2009) by Jacqueline Wilson