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Read Series: Hotter In Texas

by Author Christie Craig


Blame It On Texas (2000)

I sooo loved reading this book. It was funny, sweet, thrilling... I just can't seem to find the words to say how much I liked it so I'll use something my friend likes to say: it's mind-blowingly awesome :)I have to admit, I didn't expect that this will be such a good book. Usually the first book ...

Blame It On Texas (2000) by Christie Craig

Only in Texas (2012)

4,8 von 5 Sternen*Wie kam das Buch zu mir*Auf das Buch bin ich aufmerksam geworden, als ich auf C.C. Hunters Website unterwegs war, auf der Suche nach Informationen zu ihrer Shadow Falls Camp Reihe. Erwachsenenliteratur schreibt sie unter dem Pseudonym Chirstie Craig, ihre Jugendbücher unter dem ...

Only in Texas (2012) by Christie Craig

Don't Mess with Texas (2011)

3.25 starsDON'T MESS WITH TEXAS refers to the name of a P.I. agency that is run by Dallas O'Connor and his partners, Tyler and Austin. The guys were former police officers that were wrongly accused of a crime and had spent some time in jail before being found innocent. They became detectives to ...

Don't Mess with Texas (2011) by Christie Craig