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Read Series: Imriel's Trilogy

by Author Jacqueline Carey


Kushiel's Justice (2007)

My blood beat hard in my veins and hammered in my ears, like the sound of bronze wings clashing. And I understand for the first time what it meant that Kushiel, the One God's punisher, had loved his charges too well...Imriel de la Courcel's blood parents are history's most reviled traitors, while...

Kushiel's Justice (2007) by Jacqueline Carey

Kushiel's Scion (2007)

So you wrote a highly-successful trilogy. Congratulations! What now? Well, you could write a sequel trilogy: new narrator, same old world and intrigue. Some writers want to milk the cash cow for all it's worth. Other writers, like Jacqueline Carey, create worlds compelling enough to justify ...

Kushiel's Scion (2007) by Jacqueline Carey